AI Practic package
Classes and practice in 3.0 format
The best way to pump up your skills and become an AI expert in 6 months
Individual lessons
Career program
Internship breakdowns
Meetings with renowned AI speakers
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What's included in composition of the AI Practic package
Analysis of independent assignments
Solving more difficult levels
Explanation of course materials
Discussing your questions
once a week
once every 2 weeks
personal consultation with a mentor
mini group counseling
individual consultations
Handling of 1 project per month
Discussion of difficulties in project development
Selecting effective solutions
Completion of a mini-task on the topic of the project
Opportunity to immerse yourself in the development of 6 real projects
Breakdowns of completed internships
Internship projects to be sorted out
Recognizing smoking scenes in movies
Detection of armed men in facilities
Commercial real estate valuation in Moscow and Moscow region
Recognizing symbols on ballots
Call Classification
Analysis of candidates' resumes
Cases of solving complex situations
Opportunity to learn from colleagues
Breakdown of projects from different spheres
Working with technologies that may not be on the course
Preparation for your internships and future employment
What is the usefulness of parsing already completed projects?
Personal career counseling
5 career webinars with IIP partners
All of the life-selling resume and strong portfolio life hacks
Get all the skills you need to land a job at your dream company
Career program
How to talk about your achievements and skills confidently
What you will learn in the AI Practic career program
How to look for jobs on job boards
Communicate confidently with HR
You will go through all the steps for successful employment
Career Speakers
Kathy Reid
Department head at a foreign IT company
Brenda Nelson
Career counselor
Anna Shelton
16 years in IT, the way
from the developer
to the director,
ex teamlead
HR manager
Sharon Douglas
Corporate coach (ICF), 9 years of experience, founder and head of the corporate coaching service
Sandra Mack
Discussion of advanced technologies
Global AI Trends
Cases of interesting projects
Expert Councils
Gain the experience of real AI market practitioners
You will enjoy 5 webinars with senior developers, project managers and executives of well-known companies
Meetings with experienced AI speakers
Your benefit when purchasing the AI Practic package
AI Practic package
Package filling price for separate purchase
Instead of 1274$
26 individual consultations
6 mini-group consultations
6 internship debriefings
Personal career counseling
5 career webinars with IIP partners
5 webinars with AI speakers
Light + Practic
  • The entire composition of the Practic package (6 months)
  • 30 live classes
  • 70 classes in the recording
  • Job security
  • AI project realization
  • 1 year of mentoring support
prepaid discount
PRO + Practic
  • The entire composition of the Practic package (6 months)
  • 30 live classes
  • 202 classes on record
  • 4 internships
  • Job security
  • AI project realization
  • 2 years of mentoring
prepaid discount
PRO MAX + Practic
  • The entire composition of the Practic package (6 months)
  • 30 live classes
  • 268 classes on record
  • 4 internships
  • 60 zoom consultations
  • Job security
  • AI project realization
  • 3 years of mentoring
6 months of live classes
AI course fees + AI Practic package